July 2, 2010 Faith Matters

The Role of Righteous Muslims


This booklet, (the Role of Righteous Muslims), is aimed at broadening knowledge and awareness of the roles that some Muslims took during the Holocaust and whose stories show the moral and physical courage of these individuals who believed in doing what was right.

Today, unfortunately, xenophobia and fear ‘of the other’ still continue to plague societies and the United Kingdom is not immune to these issues. The caricaturing of communities continues in some quarters and the lessons of history are not learnt.  Yet,  history  should  teach  us  and  guide  us  so  that  we  preserve  the  stories  of our  common  humanity and social links which should not be forgotten. Furthermore, these  stories  should  not  be  physically  or  mentally  shelved  as  though  they  have  no significance in the modern world. If anything, they have a greater significance today then they would have had 10, 20 or 30 years ago.

The Righteous Muslims booklet shows us that there are many stories of positive Muslim and Jewish interaction, even at the darkest moments in history. It shows a common bond and a link between people of two faiths who believe in the compassion of God and in the sanctity of life. Whilst the politics of the Middle East may block such stories out of the public narrative, there is a duty on us all to ensure that they get their rightful place in our social and educational narratives.

Other possible reading materials on the subject of the Righteous can be found at: