Measuring anti-Muslim Attacks Project

“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility
October 12, 2015 By Faith Matters

“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility

This report looks at the impact of on-line and off-line experiences of anti-Muslim hostility on British Muslims in the UK. It highlights how some male Muslims are failing to report in Institutional anti-Muslim prejudice for fear of being targeted and for fear that they will be seen to be ‘weak’ in the eyes of their […]

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Raising the Need to Tackle anti-Muslim Bigotry & Reporting It In
July 16, 2015 By Faith Matters

Raising the Need to Tackle anti-Muslim Bigotry & Reporting It In

The Director of Faith Matters and TELL MAMA, Fiyaz Mughal, spoke at the Big Iftar event, organised by Innovate Walsall, and raised the issue of social justice being closely entwined with Islam. The Director stated that this being the case, it was imperative that Muslims play their part in countering hate, intolerance and injustice against […]

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Measuring anti-Muslim Attacks Project (MAMA)
November 16, 2011 By Faith Matters

Measuring anti-Muslim Attacks Project (MAMA)

Faith Matters launched the TELL MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) campaign which will provide support to those who have suffered anti-Muslim attacks in England as well as mapping, analysing and collecting data on areas where such attacks are prevailent. The launch was attended by Peter Oborne, a columnist from the Telegraph, the Rt Hon Simon Hughes […]

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The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality
November 20, 2010 By Faith Matters

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality. A detailed report on key leaders within the English Defence League, their funders and those that formulate its strategy. This report is a damning insight into a group that promotes a non-racist image, yet those aligned and linked to […]

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