
“Muhammad is a Pig,” Shout Hardline Jews at Arab Palestinians in Old City
July 26, 2015 By Faith Matters

“Muhammad is a Pig,” Shout Hardline Jews at Arab Palestinians in Old City

The Haram Al-Sharif or the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome and the Rock mosque continue to be flashpoints as hard-line and increasingly extreme actions by some Jewish groups inflame tensions and passions in the Old City in Jerusalem. Today, it was reported that hard-line Jewish groups were involved in agitating the very fragile peace […]

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People of All Faiths & Creeds Were Attacked on 7/7
July 4, 2015 By Faith Matters

People of All Faiths & Creeds Were Attacked on 7/7

#UNITEDAGAINSTH8 – TEN YEARS ON FROM 7/7 This series of infographics intends to capture the changing face of community relations a decade after 7/7. That tragic day captures how individuals from various faiths and nationalities died on a day that should have started like any other, with the humble commute to work. Atique Sharifi, 24, […]

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