Islamophobia categorisation

We Welcome the Prime Minister’s Drive to Ensure All Forces Categorise Anti-Muslim Hate
October 13, 2015 By Tell Mama

We Welcome the Prime Minister’s Drive to Ensure All Forces Categorise Anti-Muslim Hate

It was in fact the Home Secretary who initiated this proposal just prior to the last general election and clearly, the momentum is growing within this administration. Tell MAMA warmly welcomes the lead now taken by the Prime Minister to ensure that all forces in England and Wales record anti-Muslim hate crimes and the Prime

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“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility
October 12, 2015 By Faith Matters

“We Fear for Our Lives”: Offline and Online Experiences of Anti-Muslim Hostility

This report looks at the impact of on-line and off-line experiences of anti-Muslim hostility on British Muslims in the UK. It highlights how some male Muslims are failing to report in Institutional anti-Muslim prejudice for fear of being targeted and for fear that they will be seen to be ‘weak’ in the eyes of their […]

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