December 20, 2010 Faith Matters

Community Cohesion

Community cohesion is fundamental and integral to the work of Faith Matters. The starting root of our work within Faith Matters and which was a driving force for the founder, Fiyaz Mughal OBE FCMI, was the desire to build cohesion between Muslim and Jewish communities and the work of the Organisation has grown from there.

Cohesion has therefore been a driving force strategically within the Organisation and at an operational level. Our work through the following publications show that this theme has been pervasive and it will continue to be driven through what is now regarded socially as integration work.

Cohesion Programmes
1) Our Faiths and Our Shared Futures Programme,

2) Resisting Through Resilience Programme

Cohesion / integration work will continue to be essential to maintaining positive and good community relations and will become even more important as economic issues affect many communities within our country. This is why we will continue to focus on this area and work towards mutual understanding and dialogue within regions and cities in the United Kingdom.