January 31, 2015 Faith Matters

London Mayor Boris Johnson Right to State That Young Men Need a Purpose

Speaking to press sources today the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, stated that young men who join extremist groups have a low sense of self-esteem and need to be found work, so that they have a purpose.

We welcome the fact that the Mayor has re-iterated the need for young people to have a focus and a sense of self-worth that comes from work and personal achievement.

Having worked on counter-extremist projects, we know that extremism has roots in grievances which also include things like racism and internalised perceptions that young people cannot find employment due to racism or anti-Muslim hate, for example. This when infused with radical ideologies and when further influenced by peer pressure, can and has led young people to go to Syria to fight for a nihilistic cause.

We value the fact that the Mayor has stated an obvious solution that can help to reduce the grievances that young people feel. He has taken a common sense approach to what is a multi-layered and complex set of issues, though ensuring that one key element is addressed makes a start into tackling the hopelessness that some young people feel.