March 7, 2013 Faith Matters

Communities Together With Shared Values

One of the proudest moments that we can all celebrate has been the way that communities have come together over the last month. From Jews, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs to those who chose to have no faith, we have all stood together against violence, hate and division in our communities. Interfaith work has truly come into its own and has been the glue that has held our communities together. For those who thought that interfaith work was just about ‘tea’ and ‘samosas,’ how wrong they have been proved. It is about real lives, real people and real futures together in shared spaces.

No doubt the future may throw up further challenges, though we feel that there are real local solutions that can be found by communities coming together, sharing ideas and resources and through the engagement with local businesses who are also looking to play roles in enhancing well being and safety and security in local areas.

After Woolwich, good must truly come out of what has been a shocking and heart-wrenching national tragedy. It has to, for the sake of Lee’s family, his memory and for what he stood for. We cannot let that go, nor can we allow ourselves to think that others will pick up pieces in communities. That is a responsibility for us all and not just for some. Work with us and work for a brighter future.