Tag archives: Bangladeshi

Shamima Begum is not a Bangladeshi Citizen, says Foreign Minister of Bangladesh
February 20, 2019 By Faith Matters

Shamima Begum is not a Bangladeshi Citizen, says Foreign Minister of Bangladesh

Islamic State bride Shamima Begum, who fled to Syria aged 15, is not a Bangladeshi citizen and will be barred from entering the country, its foreign ministry has said. The 19-year-old from London said she wanted to return to the UK with her newborn baby, with the end of the so-called caliphate in Syria within […]

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What do Muslims in Britain actually think?
April 12, 2016 By FM

What do Muslims in Britain actually think?

Channel 4 commissioned ICM to poll Muslims in Britain on a range of issues from women’s rights to marriage equality. But did the poll titled “What do British Muslims really think?” answer its own question? Polling British Muslims is a difficult and expensive task. It’s why YouGov avoided the Sun’s now infamous ‘1 in 5 Muslims’ poll. ICM’s researchers picked 138 random Local Super Output Areas where Muslims make up at least 20 per cent of the population. This skewed the findings to areas with relative social deprivation. It also over-represented certain ethnic groups. Yet it still captured 51 per cent of the total Muslim population. Of the 1,081 Muslims polled, 55 per cent were Pakistani. British Asians/Asians totaled 83 per cent of the polling data. Data from the last census revealed that British Asian/Asians totaled 67.6 per cent of Muslims in England and Wales. The poll included just 11 Arabs and 16 white Muslims who account for 6.6 per cent and 7.8 per cent of Muslims in England and Wales. Despite methodological issues it remains a serious poll. As with previous surveys – Muslims identify with Britain at a higher rate than the national average. They also expressed greater [...]

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February 26, 2010 By Faith Matters

Resisting Through Resilience Programme in the London Borough of Enfield

This programme provided young people with the opportunity to discuss matters around identity, faith and local issues that may be impacting on them. We worked with young Bangladeshi and young Somali groups in the London Borough of Enfield to look at these issues within a safe and secure environment. The London Borough of Enfield asked […]

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