Tag archives: Messiah

Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Belief? – What Really Matters in the case of Netflix Messiah!
December 25, 2019 By Faith Matters

Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Belief? – What Really Matters in the case of Netflix Messiah!

“Freedom of speech is applied equally to everyone, but it seems not everyone is in favour of it being applied equally. This is no more true for Messiah than it is for anything else.”  Background The Metro newspaper ran a story of how the latest Netflix show Messiah has sparked demands for it to be […]

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Free Speech of the Ahmadi Community in the UK Curtailed by Bigotry
April 8, 2018 By Faith Matters

Free Speech of the Ahmadi Community in the UK Curtailed by Bigotry

We have learnt that the Ahmadi community in the United Kingdom have had their right to free expression curtailed once again. The online site, Christian Today, mentioned the following in their article about the obstructions that were put in front of the Ahmadi community in their recent campaign. Their site stated: “An email template seen […]

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