At 9:37pm on May 18, 2016, Katie Hopkins tweeted ‘Give me strength. Stick up a chuffing sign for English Language School’. Her bombastic tone accompanied an image which suggested that road signs in Bradford now included Urdu. Twitter users soon exposed the hoax. @jake_conran @KTHopkins @Juliet777777 Er, same van in the background. 100% photoshopped. — Adam Leyton (@AdamLeyton) May 18, 2016 @jake_conran @KTHopkins same van. Pull your head out of your arse — Graeme Rayner (@grimois) May 18, 2016 The origins of the hoax stem from a white nationalist hate site called The New Observer. Its content rallies against perceived ‘white genocide’. Editors of the site insist on labelling migrants and refugees as“illegal invaders” and “Third World colonizers.” Nor does the content lose its traditional antisemitism. Articles are rich with Holocaust denial. And obsess over the ideas of an all powerful ‘Jewish lobby’. An article on September 6, 2015 was headlined ‘Jewish Supremacists Using “Holocaust Fable” to Promote Third World Invasion of Europe’. The election of Sadiq Khan as London Mayor was ‘the first such formerly European city to officially fall before the nonwhite invasion of Europe.’ But to return to the Bradford story, the hoax goes beyond photoshopped [...]
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