Anti-Muslim graffiti

Anti-Muslim Graffiti Proliferation is Worrying – this in Doncaster Station
December 30, 2015 By Tell Mama

Anti-Muslim Graffiti Proliferation is Worrying – this in Doncaster Station

During 2015, we saw an increasing number of reports of anti-Muslim graffiti which have been posted on street corners through to bus stops and advertisement hoardings. The language of bigotry may well be changing, but the impacts of it can be significant, given the anger that it generates which can become counter-productive for community relations.

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Female Non-Muslim Reports in Anti-Muslim Graffiti Demonstrating Solidarity
December 13, 2015 By Tell Mama

Female Non-Muslim Reports in Anti-Muslim Graffiti Demonstrating Solidarity

This anti-Muslim graffiti was reported into us by a woman who happened to walk past the highly offensive material in Peckham in the London Borough of Southwark. The material was present on Peckham High Street and slightly off the side of a store which meant that it was visible to shoppers as they walked past

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July 15, 2015 By Tell Mama

Anti-Muslim Graffiti Rears its Ugly Head

Some say ‘so what if there is graffiti, no-one got killed did they,’ as they brush aside the impacts on perceptions and fear that such graffiti can have on communities. Alternatively, they choose not to remember those murdered because of their faith visibility such as grandfather Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham in 2013. In Burnt Oak

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The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality
November 20, 2010 By Faith Matters

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality

The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality. A detailed report on key leaders within the English Defence League, their funders and those that formulate its strategy. This report is a damning insight into a group that promotes a non-racist image, yet those aligned and linked to […]

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