
The Banality of Hate – Boycotts Because of a Wrong Strand of Religion
April 26, 2016 By Tell Mama

The Banality of Hate – Boycotts Because of a Wrong Strand of Religion

In 1961, Hannah Arendt coined the term ‘the banality of evil‘ whilst covering the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem who repeatedly stated that he was “only following orders.” It was this inability to think beyond orders and directives that led to the mass genocide of people which led her to coin the term. Yet

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Our Achievements in Tell MAMA as We Move into 2016
December 31, 2015 By Tell Mama

Our Achievements in Tell MAMA as We Move into 2016

As we move into 2016, it is important to reflect on what has been achieved for the public over the last year. Tell MAMA is now moving into its fourth year of existence and the results over the last year have been humbling. But this has been about how we have made a difference. When

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Does Black on Black Abuse Show a Breakdown in BAME Solidarity?
December 30, 2015 By Tell Mama

Does Black on Black Abuse Show a Breakdown in BAME Solidarity?

Racism is not the domain of any specific racial, religious or cultural group. That is a fact and blaming a particular group for racism is not reflective of what is taking place. Factually, though, we know that street based anti-Muslim prejudice is perpetrated mainly by white males, between the ages of 15-35. This not to

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An Affront to Modern Britain. This is the Racism That Some Suffer Today
November 1, 2015 By Tell Mama

An Affront to Modern Britain. This is the Racism That Some Suffer Today

This is the photo that was sent into us today. The family in Rotherham woke up to this on their gate and they have suffered years of racism and hatred. Who would think that in 2015 such graffiti would be posted on the property of an Asian family? Yet these issues are sadly not one-offs

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Meet the Keyboard Warriors who Spout Anti-Muslim Bigotry
October 25, 2015 By Tell Mama

Meet the Keyboard Warriors who Spout Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Recently, we posted up an article on our Facebook page for communities to collectively tackle hate, intolerance and prejudice. The picture showed some visibly Muslim females and it also highlighted the need to report in anti-Muslim prejudice. The responses we received are sadly not really shocking anymore and highlight how far right and anti-Muslim sympathisers

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“You Wearing That Niqab is Going Back to Traditions of the Victorian Era,” Says Perpetrator
October 23, 2015 By Tell Mama

“You Wearing That Niqab is Going Back to Traditions of the Victorian Era,” Says Perpetrator

This is a case that came into Tell MAMA a few days go. Nazleen (the identity has been altered), wears a Niqab and an Abaya, (the black body over-garment) worn by more socially conservative Muslim women. Nazleen is 22 years old and she was travelling on a bus when a white female, aged around 40

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Who Says This Work is Abuse Free? Mona Chalabi Highlights Key Issues
October 6, 2015 By Tell Mama

Who Says This Work is Abuse Free? Mona Chalabi Highlights Key Issues

Mona Chalabi’s BBC documentary titled, ‘Is Britain Racist‘, was a fascinating insight into prejudice and the ways that different races and faith groups are affected by racism and prejudice. We had the pleasure of advising the producers in sending a Niqab wearing female to Dudley, to see what reactions this would elicit, if she walked on

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September 6, 2015 By Tell Mama

Abuse Directed at the British Muslim Youth Shows Targeting of Organisations

This is the abuse that has been directed at the British Muslim Youth – a Rotherham based, national organisation which works on empowering young British Muslims. The founder of the organisation, Muhbeen Hussain, has been vocal in his campaigning against child sexual exploitation and against racism and prejudice. Yet, the British Muslim Youth continue to

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August 1, 2015 By Tell Mama

Behaviour That Tramples on the Dignity of Our Nation

This video has come to light of a young woman abusing an Asian man who was seated next to her. The female loses her composure and is seen to abuse the Asian male and tell him to ‘go back to your country.’ After numerous hate filled statements she goes onto suggests that individuals like him, ‘want

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July 30, 2015 By Tell Mama

Prevent: Our Responsibility to the Public

We have been asked by members of Muslim communities about Prevent and whether people can report in cases where they think that there has been anti-Muslim prejudice in Prevent related work. We have received some cases where people have reported in Prevent related issues to us, where they felt that their child has been targeted

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